White bloom in May. native to the Red Hills of Alabama. New species once thought to be a variety of R. alabamense, 12 to 25" grows to 8' - 12' zone 6-9
The Red Hills Azalea is a recently recognized species of native deciduous azalea first described in 2008. It had previously been confused with Rhododendron alabamense which flowers earlier and has consistently white flowers with a yellow blotch. It flowers in mid to late may and the flowers can be similar to R. alabamense or can be white, pink, or yellow with or without a blotch. As with most native azaleas it should be planted in sandy acid soil that is well drained as the natural habitat is on slopes and along creeks.
NOTE: Plants in 3 gallon pots cannot be ordered for shipping. They must be picked up at the nursery. Call 828-222-2189 to make an appointment.