Kamia latifolia
Also known by Calico Bush, Ivy Bush, Laurel, Mountain Ivy, Sheepkill, and Spoonwood
This is a eastern North America and can be found in a variety of habitats. It grows slowly and tends to reach 6-10 feet, though rarely can grow to 32 feet tall. Mountain Laurel can tolerate a wide range of light conditions from full sun to full shade but is happiest in partial shade and in cool, moist, acidic, humus-rich, well-drained soils.
Foliage is evergreen and the flowers have touch-sensitive anthers contained in pockets of the corolla, which triggers release of pollen when pollinators visit.
NOTE: This plant has high severity poison characteristics and a high flammability rating. As such, it should not be planted within the defensible space of your home.
Photo credits: Jim RobbinsCC BY-NC-ND 4.0